Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Channel Higher Self With Hypnosis

Hello Dearest Ones, hope you enjoy my new Hypnosis Session . Please allow yourself to take time out to give to yourself for a change. Am so looking forward to hearing from all of you. Please rate and leave a comment. Thanks so very much. Love Barbara

Parts 2 and 3 can be found in the description of the video or on my channel:


Barbara Clauser C.M.H. said...

Don't miss my new Christmas Show called WHERE DID GRANDMA GO? PLEASE RATE & SUB. LOVE BARBARA On You Tube

Barbara Clauser C.M.H. said...

It's 3:11 am in the morning and my mind is going a hundred miles an hour. Nothing I seem to do can stop the tension I am feeling. I know I should be doing something but what? It is now 3:20 am and there is an energy in the air like a tingling in my right ear a presence someone or something is trying to get my attention and they have. The wind is blowing gusts of hail listen to their multibe tapping on the window erie in it's knocking like hundreds of little hands tapping to come in.Growing befuddled as I stumble my way in the dark towards my bed praying that I will awaken to the light of day.

Barbara Clauser C.M.H. said...

The clock is ticking away like the beat of my broken heart. Time and space seem to elude me like a big blur. Time seems to be hurling me back into the deepest level of my being. Nothing I can do to remove the dread that I am feeling. Am I to be removed from this earth before my work is done? I truly wonder?

Barbara Clauser C.M.H. said...

Please help me my dearest friends the Therapist is one that is always alone. Heal the world but not thy self.

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