Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Wings of an Eagle. A guided Visualization.

 Just imagine that we have the wings of an eagle and we are soaring high,
high in the sky. And we are safe and secure like an eagle. You can begin
to feel the freedom of gliding, freely with no effort as the wind, the
warm wind, the current carries us
higher and higher to the soft  transparent marshmellowy clouds.
And soon we will reach a very tall mountain. And on that
majestic peak will be a tree, a Joshua tree. That is thousands of
years old, that is filled with the wisdom of the ages.
For you and for me. Just begin to notice how grand it feels to be
above our problems for a change. And as we look below we are
so very very high. And yet that all that concerns us is nothing.
And all the worries and pain of the past  have flown away, totally, and
completely, from us now. As we look down through
the drifting clouds beneath us we can the tops of  the trees in the
forrest below. And the river below winds around us and around the
mountains, like a blue velvet ribbon, like a blue velvet ribbon. Relaxing
us more and more. And now there are birds
flying beneath us. But not far away. Look down and see, they are flying in
Vee formation, dissappearing into the clouds one by one by one. And now we
have flown to the highest mountain. And we are landing on top of the
Joshua tree. And as we bounce gently
on the limb, we begin to absorb a knowledge and wisdom that fills our mind
with a peace beyond words.And as we gaze down, down, down, the peaks and
valleys below us, a new calmness and tranquility wraps its arms around us,
relaxing us deeper and deeper. There are flocks of birds flying. Their
wings seem to be moving in slow motion, relaxing us more and more. And the
is casting shadows and light on the scene below us, breaking through the
clouds like rays of gold, appearing with white fluffy clouds drifting by.
There are lakes and majestic waterfalls. Look and listen how the sound
magically soothes your ears with the splashing and spilling and gushing of
water, down and down and down, over boulders and rocks below. See how the
foam and
whirlling bubbles dance and wash away another worry and another care. You
have the heart of an Eagle which is filled with
 strength and courage and dignity.You have the ability to fly high
above any problems below you. You are the wisdom of the ages and the
patience of the old Joshua tree. And as you look out into
the azure blue sky stretching as far as the eye can see you become more
resolved than ever before to take all these
powerful and tranquil feelings with you , for the rest of the day, for the
rest of the week. Until you hear me on the next weekly show. And now just
begin to glide down, glide down, glide down, touching the current and the
warm wind which supports your body and wings. And as we glide down, and
down notice the   tops of the clouds as we pass through them. And see the
tops of the mountains as we pass them. Enjoy feelings of peace and total
well being. See the lake below becoming larger and larger. And
now you can begin to see the tree tops more clearly. And the
hills and the valleys being covered lavishly with green velvety grass. And
now we are safely gliding down to that plush meadow,
in the valley before us. And now we land in the meadow, and we are
magically transformed back into ourselves once again. Feeling empowered,
filled with strength and forgiveness. And total and complete relaxation
flows through us now. And just begin to notice a new well of wisdom and
love that you can  continue to tap into from this moment on. As you now
possess the wisdom of the Joshua tree, now open your eyes. And stretch
your arms and stretch your legs and just begin to notice how
fantastic you are feeling right now. With feelings of peace and total
contentment and absolute feelings of total well being.


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